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Gryllos 27055, Greece

Welcome to Cricket Hill
14 November 2022

Friends, colleagues, extended network, total strangers, welcome to Cricket Hill. That's what we call this pristine plot of land on the Greek West Coast, where olive trees and people live, grow and bear fruits in harmony. In the area of Ancient Olympia, in a region rich in history and culture, nature and beauty.

Located near the village of Gryllos, our land lies on a hill halfway across the historical home of the Olympic Games and a golden sand beach that stretches as far as the eye can see. The name “Gryllos” refers to many things, including the son of Xenophon, and the insect cricket. We chose to name our land Cricket Hill.

orci in, tempus eros.

We are Giorgos and Fotini, Cricket Hill's proud owners.

Tortor ex sodales ligula, quis cursus augue erat id elit.

We manage Cricket Hill with a little help from extended family and friends. We met in Berlin and lived there for a few years. Even before we repatriated in 2020 though, we knew we wanted to return to the land one day.

What better land than this one, ideally situated and a stone’s throw from where Fotini grew up? We are not full-time agriculturists, but we do practice a sustainable lifestyle. We still practice our trades, bringing our backgrounds in the mix while picking up new skills. Our long term-goal is to make this land flourish and set an example for a sustainable, balanced living.

We are not there yet. We have only set the foundations, literally, for our Earthship-inspired house on Cricket Hill. A house made mostly of locally sourced organic materials, with passive heating and cooling and natural ways to harvest and recycle water, food and energy. We will be documenting our journey as it unfolds. Till then, we camp on Cricket Hill in the warm time of the year.

We also cater to our olive grove, as Cricket Hill happens to be blessed with the gift of olive trees in abundance. This area has historically produced top quality olive oil and we come from families with a tradition in producing it. We are all about sustainability, balance and reconnecting with nature. How could we possibly not get into olive oil production?

The most important thing to know about olive trees is that they will treat you just like you treat them. Love and cater to them and they will reward you in kind. But we'll be sharing more on that as we go. For the time being, welcome to Cricket Hill. If it's your first time, you have to chirp.